Leviticus Sermons, Podcasts, Lectures, Logos Course
What follows below are sermons, podcasts, and lectures on Leviticus. A couple of notes.
The sermons are from pastors that I trust and respect, but I have not listened to all of them and there may be times when "the opinions expressed do not represent those of" myself. They are categorized by chapter and by speaker.
The podcast is a fifty-minute interview I did back in 2020. In it, I go over reasons that make Leviticus a challenge for us, how to respond to some of those challenges, and touch on some of the apologetic issues that arise in the book.
The lectures are a series of ten talks on Leviticus that I did at Covenant Theological Seminary. The setting was a Bible study for local men and the the topics included an overview of Leviticus, a chapter by chapter approach to the sacrifices that Leviticus describes, and an overview of purity and impurity. I've also included a link to a 45-minute overview to Leviticus that I did for an adult Sunday School class.
The Logos Course is a 12-hour video course made up of a series of 3-8 minute segments. In it, I discuss introductory matters and then go through the entire book in a chapter-by-chapter way.
Sermons by chapter (see below for sermons arranged by speaker)
Leviticus Series Introduction
Mark Booker: The Presence of God (Exod 40; Lev 1:1-2)-Park Street Church, 9/11/22
Billy Boyce: The Drama of Leviticus: He Has Made a Way (Gen 3:1–13, 21-24; Exod 19:1–20; Lev 1:1–2)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/9/22
David Palmer: Be Holy for I Am Holy (Lev 1:1–4; 9:7; 10:3; 11:44–45; 18:1–4; 19:1–2; 20:7–8; 20:26; 26:3–13)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 9/6/15
Leviticus 1
Mark Booker: Consecration: Wholly Yielded (Lev 1:3–17)—Park Street Church, 9/25/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Burnt Offering (Lev 1)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/16/22
David Palmer: Sacrifices and the Savior (Lev 1:1–17)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 9/13/15
Bob Crossland: Grilling with God (Lev 1)—Grace South Bay, 5/2/22
Leviticus 2
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Dedication Offering (Lev 2)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/23/22
Bob Crossland: Gifts for God (Lev 2)—Grace South Bay, 5/9/22
Leviticus 3
Mark Booker: Fellowship: Divine Hospitality (Lev 3:1–17)—Park Street Church, 10/2/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Fellowship Offering (Lev 3)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/30/22
Bob Crossland: Feasting with God (Lev 3:6–11, 16b–17; 7:15–21)—Grace South Bay, 5/16/22
Leviticus 4
Mark Booker: Atonement: Dealing with Sin (Lev 4:1-12, 22-31; 6:1-7; 17:10-12)—Park Street Church, 9/18/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Purification Offering (Lev 4:1–5:13)—Christ Church of Arlington, 11/6/22
Bob Crossland: Early and Often (Lev 4:13–21; 6:1–7)—Grace South Bay, 5/24/22
Leviticus 5
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Restitution Offering (Lev 5:15–6:7)—Christ Church of Arlington, 11/13/22
Leviticus 6
Mark Booker: Atonement: Dealing with Sin (Lev 4:1-12, 22-31; 6:1-7; 17:10-12)—Park Street Church, 9/18/22
Michael Balboni: God's Continual Fire (Lev 6:8–13)—Park Street Church, 10/9/22
Billy Boyce: Of Priests and People (Lev 6:8–7:10)—Christ Church of Arlington, 1/15/23
Bob Crossland: Early and Often (Lev 4:13–21; 6:1–7)—Grace South Bay, 5/24/22
Leviticus 7
Billy Boyce: Grace and Gratitude (Lev 7:11–38)—Christ Church of Arlington, 1/22/23
Bob Crossland: Feasting with God (Lev 3:6–11, 16b–17; 7:15–21)—Grace South Bay, 5/16/22
Leviticus 8
Mark Booker: The Great High Priest (Lev 8:1–13; 9:1–7, 22–24)—Park Street Church, 10/16/22
Billy Boyce: Grace for Priests (Lev 8)—Christ Church of Arlington, 1/29/23
Steven Chitty: A Clean Priest (Lev 8–9)—Grace South Bay, 5/31/22
Leviticus 9
Mark Booker: The Great High Priest (Lev 8:1–13; 9:1–7, 22–24)—Park Street Church, 10/16/22
Billy Boyce: Open for Worship (Lev 9)—Christ Church of Arlington, 2/5/23
Scott Burns: The Ministry of the Priesthood (Lev 9:1–24)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 9/20/15
Steven Chitty: A Clean Priest (Lev 8–9)—Grace South Bay, 5/31/22
Leviticus 10
Mark Booker: Strange Fire (Lev 10:1–11)—Park Street Church, 10/23/22
Billy Boyce: A Priestly Scandal (Lev 10)—Christ Church of Arlington, 2/26/23
Steven Chitty: Consumed (Lev 10:1–7, 16–20)—Grace South Bay, 6/6/22
Leviticus 11
Billy Boyce: You Eat What You Are (Lev 11)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/5/23
David Palmer: Making Life-Giving Distinctions (Lev 11:1–25, 44–47)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 9/27/15
Steven Chitty: You Are What You Eat (Lev 11)—Grace South Bay, 6/13/22
Leviticus 12
Mark Booker: Purity (Lev 12:1–8)—Park Street Church, 10/30/22
Billy Boyce: Waiting Well (Lev 12)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/12/23
Steven Chitty: Mostly Alive/Slightly Dead (Lev 12–15)—Grace South Bay, 6/20/22
Leviticus 13
Billy Boyce: The Path to Wholeness (Lev 13–14)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/19/23
Steven Chitty: Mostly Alive/Slightly Dead (Lev 12–15)—Grace South Bay, 6/20/22
Leviticus 14
Billy Boyce: The Path to Wholeness (Lev 13–14)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/19/23
Steven Chitty: Mostly Alive/Slightly Dead (Lev 12–15)—Grace South Bay, 6/20/22
Leviticus 15
Billy Boyce: Prizing Purity (Lev 15)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/26/23
Steven Chitty: Mostly Alive/Slightly Dead (Lev 12–15)—Grace South Bay, 6/20/22
Leviticus 16
Mark Booker: Draw Near to God (Lev 16:1–22)—Park Street Church, 11/20/22
Billy Boyce: Cleaning Day (Lev 16)—Christ Church of Arlington, 4/2/23
David Palmer: The Holiest Day of the Year (Lev 16:1–34)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 10/4/15
Steven Chitty: Fully Forgiven (Lev 16)—Grace South Bay, 6/27/22
Leviticus 17
Mark Booker: Atonement: Dealing with Sin (Lev 4:1-12, 22-31; 6:1-7; 17:10-12)—Park Street Church, 9/18/22
Billy Boyce: Holy Worship (Lev 17)—Christ Church of Arlington, 6/4/23
Leviticus 18
Mark Booker: Be Ready, Be Holy (Lev 18:1–5, 24–30)—Park Street Church, 11/27/22
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Worship (Lev 18:21; 19:4; 20:1-6)—Park Street Church, 12/4/22
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Sex (Lev 18:6–23)—Park Street Church, 12/11/22
Billy Boyce: Holy Households (Lev 18; 20)—Christ Church of Arlington, 6/11/23
David Palmer: Holy Sexuality (Lev 18:1–30)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 10/11/15
Bob Crossland: Trusting God with Sex (Lev 18)—Grace South Bay, 7/5/22
Leviticus 19
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Worship (Lev 18:21; 19:4; 20:1-6)—Park Street Church, 12/4/22
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Life Together (Lev 19:1–2, 9–18)—Park Street Church, 12/18/22
Billy Boyce: Holy Community, Part 1 (Lev 19)—Christ Church of Arlington, 7/2/23
Billy Boyce: Holy Community, Part 2 (Lev 19)—Christ Church of Arlington, 7/9/23
David Palmer: Practical Holiness (Lev 19)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 10/18/15
Bob Crossland: As Yourself (Lev 19)—Grace South Bay, 7/18/22
Leviticus 20
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Worship (Lev 18:21; 19:4; 20:1-6)—Park Street Church, 12/4/22
Billy Boyce: Holy Households (Lev 18; 20)—Christ Church of Arlington, 6/11/23
Bob Crossland: Trusting God with Sex Pt. 2 (Lev 20)—Grace South Bay, 7/11/22
Leviticus 21
Scott Burns: The Characteristics of Godly Leadership (Lev 21:1–8)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 10/25/15
Leviticus 22
Leviticus 23
Mark Booker: Holy Time (Lev 23:1–44)—Park Street Church, 1/29/23
David Palmer: Sacred Time (Lev 23:1–6, 10, 15, 24, 27, 34, 37–38)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 11/1/15
Bob Crossland: Check Your Calendar (Lev 23)—Grace South Bay, 7/25/22
Leviticus 24
Mark Booker: In His Continual Presence (Lev 24:1–9)—Park Street Church, 2/5/23
David Palmer: The Holiness of God (Lev 24:1–23)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 11/8/15
Steven Chitty: Crime and Punishment (Lev 24:10–23)—Grace South Bay, 8/1/22
Leviticus 25
Mark Booker: Release and Restoration (Lev 25:1–24)—Park Street Church, 2/12/23
David Palmer: The Holy Land (Lev 25:1–18)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 11/15/15
Steven Chitty: God’s Economy (Lev 25)—Grace South Bay, 8/8/22
Leviticus 26
Mark Booker: The Way of Blessing (Lev 26:1–26)—Park Street Church, 2/19/23
Scott Burns: Blessings, Curses, and a Future (Lev 26:1–17, 31–34, 44–45)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 11/22/15
Steven Chitty: Blessings and Curses (Lev 26)—Grace South Bay, 8/15/22
Leviticus 27
Steven Chitty: Promises Promises (Lev 27)—Grace South Bay, 8/22/22
Sermons by speaker (see above for sermons arranged by chapter)
Mark Booker, Park Street Church
Mark Booker: The Presence of God (Exod 40; Lev 1:1-2)-Park Street Church, 9/11/22
Mark Booker: Atonement: Dealing with Sin (Lev 4:1-12, 22-31; 6:1-7; 17:10-12)—Park Street Church, 9/18/22
Mark Booker: Consecration: Wholly Yielded (Lev 1:3–17)—Park Street Church, 9/25/22
Mark Booker: Fellowship: Divine Hospitality (Lev 3:1–17)—Park Street Church, 10/2/22
Mark Booker: The Great High Priest (Lev 8:1–13; 9:1–7, 22–24)—Park Street Church, 10/16/22
Mark Booker: Strange Fire (Lev 10:1–11)—Park Street Church, 10/23/22
Mark Booker: Purity (Lev 12:1–8)—Park Street Church, 10/30/22
Mark Booker: Draw Near to God (Lev 16:1–22)—Park Street Church, 11/20/22
Mark Booker: Be Ready, Be Holy (Lev 18:1–5, 24–30)—Park Street Church, 11/27/22
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Worship (Lev 18:21; 19:4; 20:1-6)—Park Street Church, 12/4/22
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Sex (Lev 18:6–23)—Park Street Church, 12/11/22
Mark Booker: Be Holy in Life Together (Lev 19:1–2, 9–18)—Park Street Church, 12/18/22
Mark Booker: Holy Time (Lev 23:1–44)—Park Street Church, 1/29/23
Mark Booker: In His Continual Presence (Lev 24:1–9)—Park Street Church, 2/5/23
Mark Booker: Release and Restoration (Lev 25:1–24)—Park Street Church, 2/12/23
Mark Booker: The Way of Blessing (Lev 26:1–26)—Park Street Church, 2/19/23
Billy Boyce, Christ Church of Arlington
Billy Boyce: The Drama of Leviticus: He Has Made a Way (Gen 3:1–13, 21-24; Exod 19:1–20; Lev 1:1–2)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/11/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Burnt Offering (Lev 1)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/16/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Dedication Offering (Lev 2)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/23/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Fellowship Offering (Lev 3)—Christ Church of Arlington, 10/30/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Purification Offering (Lev 4:1–5:13)—Christ Church of Arlington, 11/6/22
Billy Boyce: He Has Made a Way: Restitution Offering (Lev 5:15–6:7)—Christ Church of Arlington, 11/13/22
Billy Boyce: Of Priests and People (Lev 6:8–7:10)—Christ Church of Arlington, 1/15/23
Billy Boyce: Grace and Gratitude (Lev 7:11–38)—Christ Church of Arlington, 1/22/23
Billy Boyce: Grace for Priests (Lev 8)—Christ Church of Arlington, 1/29/23
Billy Boyce: Open for Worship (Lev 9)—Christ Church of Arlington, 2/5/23
Billy Boyce: A Priestly Scandal (Lev 10)—Christ Church of Arlington, 2/26/23
Billy Boyce: You Eat What You Are (Lev 11)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/5/23
Billy Boyce: Waiting Well (Lev 12)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/12/23
Billy Boyce: The Path to Wholeness (Lev 13–14)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/19/23
Billy Boyce: Prizing Purity (Lev 15)—Christ Church of Arlington, 3/26/23
Billy Boyce: Cleaning Day (Lev 16)—Christ Church of Arlington, 4/2/23
Billy Boyce: Holy Worship (Lev 17)—Christ Church of Arlington, 6/4/23
Billy Boyce: Holy Households (Lev 18; 20)—Christ Church of Arlington, 6/11/23
Billy Boyce: Holy Community, Part 1 (Lev 19)—Christ Church of Arlington, 7/2/23
Billy Boyce: Holy Community, Part 2 (Lev 19)—Christ Church of Arlington, 7/9/23
David Palmer, Kenwood Baptist Church
David Palmer: Be Holy for I Am Holy (Lev 1:1–4; 9:7; 10:3; 11:44–45; 18:1–4; 19:1–2; 20:7–8; 20:26; 26:3–13)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 9/6/15
David Palmer: Sacrifices and the Savior (Lev 1:1–17)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 9/13/15
David Palmer: Making Life-Giving Distinctions (Lev 11:1–25, 44–47)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 9/27/15
David Palmer: The Holiest Day of the Year (Lev 16:1–34)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 10/4/15
David Palmer: Holy Sexuality (Lev 18:1–30)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 10/11/15
David Palmer: Practical Holiness (Lev 19)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 10/18/15
David Palmer: Sacred Time (Lev 23:1–6, 10, 15, 24, 27, 34, 37–38)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 11/1/15
David Palmer: The Holiness of God (Lev 24:1–23)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 11/8/15
David Palmer: The Holy Land (Lev 25:1–18)—Kenwood Baptist Church, 11/15/15
Bob Crossland, Grace South Bay
Bob Crossland: Grilling with God (Lev 1)—Grace South Bay, 5/2/22
Bob Crossland: Gifts for God (Lev 2)—Grace South Bay, 5/9/22
Bob Crossland: Feasting with God (Lev 3:6–11, 16b–17; 7:15–21)—Grace South Bay, 5/16/22
Bob Crossland: Early and Often (Lev 4:13–21; 6:1–7)—Grace South Bay, 5/24/22
Bob Crossland: Trusting God with Sex (Lev 18)—Grace South Bay, 7/5/22
Bob Crossland: Trusting God with Sex Pt. 2 (Lev 20)—Grace South Bay, 7/11/22
Bob Crossland: As Yourself (Lev 19)—Grace South Bay, 7/18/22
Bob Crossland: Check Your Calendar (Lev 23)—Grace South Bay, 7/25/22
A fifty-minute interview I did back in 2020. In it, I go over reasons that make Leviticus a challenge for us, how to respond to some of those challenges, and touch on some of the apologetic issues that arise in the book
The lectures are a series of ten talks on Leviticus that I did at Covenant Theological Seminary. The setting was a Bible study for local men and the topics included an overview of Leviticus, a chapter by chapter approach to the sacrifices that Leviticus describes, and an overview of purity and impurity. I've also included a link to a 45-minute overview on Leviticus that I did for an adult Sunday School class.
For a 45-minute overview of Leviticus I did for an adult Sunday School class, go here.
Logos Course (owning Logos not required)
As noted above, the Logos Course is a 12-hour course made up of a series of 3-8 minute segments. In it, I discuss introductory matters and then go through the entire book in a chapter-by-chapter way. The course is available with video or simply with audio (the latter is much less expensive). Along with my teaching, various assignments and exercises have been added by Logos. To purchase the course, owning Logos is not required. You will be able to access all the teaching and assignments (but would need to adapt the exercises to what you have available if you don't have Logos tools or commentaries).
*As a Logos Associate, I receive a small percentage from qualifying purchases made at Logos.